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Elizabeth Chanter of Honour Being Reiki is registered with the ICO.

All correspondence are intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. If you receive any correspondence in error, you should not use or disseminate the information in it; instead, please email it back to the sender then delete the message from your system.

Elizabeth Chanter of Honour Being Reiki will maintain contact with clients and potential clients by Post, Email, Telephone and Text Message.

Elizabeth Chanter of Honour Being Reiki will take all reasonable actions to protect client data. Contact & email details may be shared with another course, or class participants, or as part of a professional referral. Elizabeth Chanter of Honour Being Reiki will never release your information to a third party without specific permission.

Client Treatment Records are usually held in paper format, however on very rare occasion these may be scanned and shared, as part of Professional Indemnity Insurance.

Client Summary Notes are held in photographic form that may be annotated.

Client Treatment Records shall be kept for at least 7 years following the last occasion on which treatment was given. In the case of treatment to minors records shall be kept for at least 7 years after they reach the age of majority (18). Any preliminary Client email and Telephone consultation notes are also held for 7 years.​​


I am double vaccinated and have received the Booster. I test myself regularly (lateral flow). I request that my Client test themselves prior to the day of each Treatment, and let me know the result. Should there be any doubt, we can re-schedule or you can choose to receive your Treatment via Distant Healing. Your temperature will be taken upon arrival, I request you to make use of hand sanitisation, and I provide a blue surgical mask for to wear throughout. I wear an FFP2 filtering mask. All bedding is single use only, and all areas are sanitised prior to your arrival and after your departure.


I request payment via BAC at least 48 hours before each Treatment, and a minimum of 48 hours notice of cancellation/postponement or you may be liable for the full fee. I am flexible dependent upon circumstance, and recognise that sometimes matters arise at short notice, especially during these Covid times. In this case we can simply re-arrange your appointment within the next 7 days.

Deposits for Attunement & Training Courses are non-refundable.


Many people experience Reiki Healing as a means to restore calm, offer comfort and reassurance, replenish and energise them, however no claim is made for it as a failsafe against infection or other health condition. In regard to Covid viruses please obey government guidelines and consult the NHS website for the most up-to-date information on how to stay safe. To do otherwise will place yourself and others at risk.

Reiki, Crystal Reiki Healing, Honour New Life Reiki, Homeopathy and Energy Essences should not be used as alternatives to seeking medical advice. I do not diagnose, treat a specific disease or illness, nor interfere with prescribed medication. When symptoms indicate, I refer patients to the appropriate medical or alternative practitioner.

If you require more information then please feel free to contact me: