Radiant Honour Being Reiki Irises

NB: These testimonials do not represent evidence, but are the personal opinion of the clients I have treated.


  • “Elizabeth worked with me on a cycle of four Reiki Treatments and what came about changed my perception of myself, my achievements as a mother and how to take care of myself. I feel in touch with my feminine side in a way I never have before and I will be forever grateful for this.”

  • “Today I‘ve been gifted with an understanding of my path, and what’s been stopping me from walking it. Yesterday during the Reiki session I saw a set of golden scales that were coming into balance, and now I have an overwhelming urge to highlight, and inspire action against injustice of all kinds around the world. I’ve known for some time that I want to do this, but have been too intimidated and lacking in self belief to begin that journey. Today I begin to walk that path. I have no intention of being drawn into fighting with anger, but instead want to highlight issues from a standpoint of truth, love and compassion for everyone. Thank you again, the results of our first meeting have been greater than I could have hoped for.”

  • “Elizabeth has a remarkable gift to help people, getting to the bottom of root causes, and is a very special individual with such pure energy - she has helped me enormously and I will continue to work with her. Anyone seeking to heal, or is simply on a journey of growth and self-development, I would highly recommend working with Elizabeth.”

  • “Sessions are well-paced, Elizabeth listens intently and genuinely cares. I would defy even the most hardened of sceptics not to be touched by Elizabeth’s magic. I came to her a wreck of a man, physically and mentally. Elizabeth put me gently but firmly back on the path to self-healing with enormous compassion and deftness of her art. “

  • “Over the last few years I have experienced the benefits fwhich Reiki does deliver - especially removing any negativity and resetting your point of view. I recently had the Angel Fire Two - which provided a positive cleansing of 2021 covid and its lockdown effects... The treatments really helped me for 2022 and focusing on my goals as well as my mental wellbeing.”

  • “I can't recommend Elizabeth's cycles of Reiki highly enough, but would like to add not to be disappointed if you don't feel immediate benefits. I am an impatient person and found that hard to come to terms with, but I do know that having treatment with Elizabeth is beneficial to my health and well being. Perhaps l should also point out that I was cynical at the start of it all and didn't really expect very much. I now really look forward to my treatments.”

  • “I worked with Elizabeth first about 4 years ago after finding myself in the longest depression of my life. Had left my old life and I was all at sea and It was incredibly helpful having her support coming through it.

  • "I had never experienced Reiki before my consultation with Elizabeth and was very unsure of what to expect regarding both the process and the outcome. In the event, I was utterly amazed by both. My problem was associated with an extensive tissue injury a year previously, which had still not healed and was starting to have an impact on my lifestyle and recovery. As Elizabeth commenced her treatment I could feel the effect of her hands on me progressing through my body and becoming more intense in the location of the injury. The following day, I was astonished to find that the symptoms I had been experiencing had completely disappeared! For several weeks I waited tentatively for my problems to recur, but the healing has continued. I am astonished by what Elizabeth has achieved and cannot recommend her work highly enough.”

  • "I have been working with Elizabeth for a couple of years.  Reiki is not a quick fix to an ache or pain, but it is an investment in you.   It heals you from inside.  It sometimes exposes things you don't want, but they will be released because you are ready. I have absolute trust and, in this very fast pace world I live in, Reiki and Elizabeth's help me feel more balanced."

  • "It's difficult to put into words the difference that a course of Reiki with Elizabeth has made to my wellbeing, frame of mind and outlook. To be honest, I was not expecting such powerful results... Thank you Elizabeth, for everything."

  • “It really was 2 hours of bliss. Not only was it incredibly relaxing but it felt like very cell of me was being nourished. Just being in Elizabeth's calming presence makes you feel at peace and loved. For anyone that is considering taking up this treatment I can't recommend it more. Thank you Elizabeth."

  • “During my Reiki session with her I felt that I had my questions answered. It was a special treat being in Elizabeth's healing environment.”

  • “My journey with Elizabeth: I was at a place in my life where I was ready to give up 8 years of medication (anti depressants), lead my own life and be in control of myself. Elizabeth created a safe, secure environment in which I was able to bring my ‘baggage’ and leave it behind. I was empowered and encouraged by the inexplicable force... that Elizabeth shared with me through Reiki... I was held safe in her room... I have come off the meds successfully and I am so grateful to Elizabeth for her patience and support."

  • "I consulted Elizabeth regarding a medical problem and had three Reiki treatments with her. Never, ever, does Elizabeth make you feel stupid. She treats you and offers advice kindly, and gives you the knowledge and ability to make changes in your life.”

  • “Elizabeth has empowered me to make the changes I needed to in order to heal and I will always be grateful to her.”

  • “It was the darkest and most depressed time of my life and I frequently considered committing suicide. For several months, I had already been seeing another therapist and taking anti-depressants prescribed by my GP but still persisted in abusing drugs and alcohol. Throughout the last year Elizabeth has enabled me to grow and everyone I know comments on how much happier I am today. I am no longer addicted to drugs or alcohol and have achieved levels of health, happiness and well-being that previously seemed impossible.”

  • “Just wanted to say thank you again Elizabeth - what a truly amazing experience, I loved the use of crystals with this treatment, I literally floated back home!”


  • "Wonderful! - it’s been such a fun way to access hidden insights about myself and my work." 

  • The Dreaming Your Inner Child Multiple Day Cocooning Retreat was an extraordinary experience. So healing and surprising - in a good way! - as what Elizabeth teaches allowed me to access my subconscious in an easy art-filled way. 

    The whole time - even though uncomfortable emotions did understandably arise at times (after all, I was there to help my Inner Child blossom and grow through old wounds) - Elizabeth held an extraordinarily safe space for me (with her experience and knowledge her presence reassured me in a way that’s absolutely on a par with other excellent and skilled mental health and psychological professionals I’ve previously seen for specific supports).


Coral Pink Roses photo by Elizabeth Chanter, Reiki Master

  • “I’ve worked with Elizabeth for over 10 years & she’s one of the most patient & understanding people I’ve met. She has beautiful inner strength … and this with her kindness, wisdom & years of experience as a therapist in holistic wellness ensure you’re in safe hands. I highly recommend working with her if you’re overwhelmed & need support in some way. Or if you simply want to relax, or continue a journey of healing or self-development what Elizabeth offers can effectively help you access deep levels of your being.”

  • “Elizabeth is one of the most beautiful people I have ever met. She is an amazing Reiki Master and everyone she works with personally and professionally experiences her integrity, empathy and compassion.

  • “I have worked with Elizabeth for the past 6 years receiving Reiki treatments, and more recently I have taken part in the group meditation sessions that she leads. Every interaction I’ve had with Elizabeth has been a truly wonderful experience. She is a great listener, always open-minded and has a calming and peaceful nature that makes you feel immediately at ease and that she’s there for you and ‘on your side’.”

  • “She has a deep understanding of the human condition and an intimate knowledge of Reiki as a means for completeness. A truly wonderful Reiki Master, teacher and human!”

  • “I would 100% recommend Elizabeth as she has great rapport and an understanding how you can benefit from Reiki.”

  • “I have received both hands on and distance Reiki healing from Elizabeth over a number of years. She is a very kind and empathetic soul who will immediately put you at ease as she is completely non-judgmental. Her depth of knowledge never ceases to both amaze and fascinate me. “

  • “Elizabeth was recommended by a friend, and I could tell on the phone this was a wise confident person and great to talk to. She really helped build confidence that I could come through it. A committed and wise being!”

  • “Elizabeth is kind caring and just a beautiful human x so calming x”

  • “I have complete confidence in Elizabeth and would not hesitate to consult her again, whatever the issue."

  • “Elizabeth will keep you safe and guide you to live the life you should be living. Her work is wonderful both face to face or distant.”

  • “I am looking forward to my next course of Reiki and recommend Elizabeth wholeheartedly for her dedication to her work and her calming influence. “

  • “Just being in Elizabeth's calming presence makes you feel at peace and loved. For anyone that is considering taking up this treatment I can't recommend it more. Thank you Elizabeth."

  • "Elizabeth’s kind attention and soft presence is something that is so rare these days! I would recommend her services to anyone who is in need of special healing."

  • “I felt secure and had total trust in her method of practice. Elizabeth allowed me to leave the past in the past, to make peace with my present and to appreciate my future. Elizabeth used the dynamic synergy of Reiki and Homeopathic Medicine, which was perfect for my journey.”

  • "Elizabeth believes passionately in what she does. She is a very warm and calm person who questions gently and listens attentively.”

  • “Elizabeth has a spacious presence and is a gifted healer. Her gentleness belies the fact that she has fearlessly travelled where she has needed to go on her own journey towards wholeness and healing. For this reason, I always have complete trust in her that she will be able to accompany me on mine. It is so healing to feel that I can be completely frank with her and feel totally safe. She has always been intuitively helpful in her questions and inspirational in her assessment of me. I am happy to recommend her to anyone.”

  • "Elizabeth is quite simply amazing. I have seen her for Reiki over a period of several years and she has assisted me in transforming my life. She is calm, kind and caring and listens attentively. I can highly recommend her, if you are reading this review and wondering whether to see Elizabeth I would urge you to go ahead as you have everything to gain."

    (RC - Ontario)

  • “Elizabeth immediately made me feel comfortable and able to talk about absolutely everything. I’ll always remember her saying “I’m not here to judge you”. Her patience and kindness gave me the confidence and strength to examine my deepest feelings and re-build my self-confidence. Elizabeth has become one of most important influences in my life and I will be eternally grateful to her for helping me to change my life in such a wonderful way."

  • “Elizabeth has been a beacon of support and encouragment and I owe so much to her for helping me with my new found knowledge. She is an open, loving and caring person whom I have put my trust in. The time I have spent with Elizabeth has helped change my thought processes from negative thinking to believing in myself and loving who I am in a more positive light. She has helped change my life in more ways than I could ever imagine and I will be forever grateful."

  • “The Reiki that Elizabeth has been enabled to provide, has been for me so far the most soothing and calming experience. Her treatments have provided me with deep self reflection, great insight in to the realms of self healing work, and has amplified the need and want to help spread her work as far as "the ripples in the water effect" can reach. I recommend her to anyone who is serious about improving the "Self" and to those who just want to go along, try, and be pleasantly surprised by the beautiful and crystal clear, healing energy provided thru The Golden Reiki Way.”

  • “Elizabeth is highly skilled & her years of experience show. She has much integrity and her wisdom & kindness are something…She is highly skilled & her years of experience show. She has much integrity and her wisdom & kindness are something that’s lovely to experience. Having her walk beside you, delivering Golden Way Reiki Treatments, can help bring you calm, happiness & health..."


New Moon Ceremonies Mandala
  • “Elizabeth creates the most beautiful New Moon meditations and her knowledge about its cycles is wonderful. I am honoured to be able to take part in them. Thank you for everything you do and will continue to do for me.”

  • “I meant to tell you the last session, which was considerably longer, was particularly nice… the length of the Retreat and the format somehow helped to make it feel especially peaceful / relaxing / nurturing. I’m sure it was something deeper than that…”

  • “I took part in Elizabeth’s New Moon Healing Circle this month & it was beautiful. Taking part brought the great gift of inner stillness… Thank you so much for this beautiful experience Elizabeth.”

  • “I had a sense of a clearing and shift in my energies… I felt a lightness and calmness within.”

  • “It really was another beautiful ritual. I’m not quite sure I can describe the sensation, but I’m going with “deepest tranquillity, heaviness and a sense of true being.”

  • “Amidst the hustle and bustle of our day to day lives, it is so beneficial to push pause, soften and reflect. Elizabeth’s Moon Ceremonies offer just that. I recently attended her New Pink Moon Ceremony and found it a supportive and safe environment imbued with kindness, in which I could come home to myself, and get quiet and still enough to listen to my intuitive wisdom. Elizabeth’s soft and dulcet tones were a soothing balm for my frazzled mind, and I loved learning about the tradiditonal teachings associated with this month’s Moon. I have attended Elizabeth’s Ceremonies both in person and online, and I highly recommend both.”


Pretty Roses for Foundation First Degree Reiki Training

  • “I met Elizabeth when I didn’t know I needed to… but I really did need to. The foundations of healing we worked together with have really made a big difference to weathering the storms of life.. on all levels, spiritual, emotional physical and mental. The strength of connection with Golden Way Reiki is superior to any other I have encountered. I first was attuned to Reiki 19 years ago and although a wonderful healing tool, the Attunement I had with Elizabeth more recently with Golden Way Reiki is something else completely. Highly recommend.”

  • “Over the last few years I have experienced the benefits from which Reiki does deliver… I am now looking forward to becoming attuned by Elizabeth, so I can begin to give Reiki to myself.”

  • "Joy! When I watch my children playing and hear their laughter, I see the pure joy they are experiencing in their lives, at that exact moment. Elizabeth has reminded me that I can also feel this way, that I can find joy in my own life. I have begun a very exciting journey with Elizabeth, as I have received Reiki Treatment and Golden Reiki Way First Degree Attunement. I know that Reiki can change my life, and as such ensure that my children have a wonderful future. Thank-you Elizabeth.

  • “What an amazing experience I have had so far! Looking forward to learning and developing my Reiki Journey with you in the future.”

  • "I never anticipated my journey to new beginnings with Reiki would be life changing in such a profound positive way. I have been wanting to be able to delve into my deep inner thoughts for years, but I have always been too scared and fearful of the unknown. Having spent a few months working with Elizabeth has given me a huge insight into Reiki and the amazing benefits it has given me.”

  • “I met Elizabeth nearly 3 years ago and I began my Reiki healing Journey under her trusted guidance. She has been and still is a great, honorable, hard working and devoted Reiki Master and teacher. I am and will remain deeply grateful for her healing presence on this Beautiful Planet Earth we all share. Thanks to her and her continuos inspirational work I am able to move forwards in my life with great optimism and excitement. I am happy and grateful to be one of the very lucky people to take on a role as Reiki practitioner in Switzerland under her constant and devoted guidance.”


Distant Reiki Healing Cygnus Nebula

  • “I have received Reiki treatment from Elizabeth over many years… I have found distant healing to be as powerful as any I have received from Elizabeth in person. Her extensive experience and knowledge offered me support and effective healing, in the security of my own surroundings.”

  • “Distant Healing with Elizabeth is amazing. It felt as I was in her Treatment Room. Following her guidance which she sent beforehand, and allowing the time to receive the Reiki was a wonderful powerful and positive experience, and one I will continue to use.”

  • ""Following a move abroad I was unsure if I’d be able to continue receiving the support of Golden Way Reiki from Elizabeth I’d already been benefiting from for several years. I’d been so thankful for the deep healing & shifts in wellbeing I’d experienced after in-person Cycles of Golden Way Reiki treatments, plus training too, that I was delighted when I booked in for Distance treatments & found them to work just as well as the in-person Cycles I’d had.

    “I’ve now received several Cycles of Distance Reiki treatments, over a period of a few years, and found each of them to work very effectively. Speaking to Elizabeth beforehand feels wonderfully calming & safe ... and experiencing both the subtle & obvious personal benefits from Golden Way Reiki treatments is something you have to experience for yourself...

    “Distance Reiki Treatments are carried out in the comfort of your own home. They’re safe and time-wise they’re a great option too ... and I love that they’re also an eco-friendly option because of course travel isn’t required, whether you’re abroad or located in England. If you are perhaps feeling slightly hesitant about booking I remember feeling that way too, and hope my words may perhaps go some way to reassuring you... You truly do have much you could gain from taking a leap of faith...”