The Homeopathic Consultation

Emotional healing for the wounds and hurts of life


During your consultation, I listen attentively and actively, providing a respectful, confidential, compassionate, non-judgemental and unhurried space in which to share your symptoms, your story, your feelings, and your experiences of life. I seek to understand the pattern of your unique life, and to discover as much as possible about your inner processes.

You will find that I am more interested in understanding "how" and "what" you are feeling, than "why". "Why" comes from the intellectual, theoretical, logical processing part of the brain, and can lead us astray. "Why" contains the voices of other people. "What" is simply about what is. "What" is your own personal, individual voice speaking - and can lead us to the unexpected, deeply subconscious place wherein the state, the other song, lies hidden. And when we hear the words of the song, then your Homeopathic Simillimum is invited to reveal itself.



"With the gift of listening comes the gift of healing."
(Catherine de Hueck Doherty)



This way of listening takes time. A first consultation will take up to two hours. Very occasionally I may ask a patient to re-visit in order to elucidate their story if the essence of the remedy is still unclear. 

Homeopathy is not a “magic wand”. It is a gentle, holistic way of practicing medicine requiring commitment of the patient as well as the Homeopath. A consultation can feel like taking a journey, sometimes to unexpected places. Many patients find simply being listened to deeply, being heard and perceived, perhaps for the first time in their lives, is a very important and sometimes cathartic part of the engagement.

When given time and space in this way, people often begin to become self-aware of their own patterns, insight comes and healing starts, even before the remedy begins to act. Once someone realises that the choices they have made affects how they live each day, then he or she understands that they have the freedom to make different choices and therefore to change the limiting patterns they have lived within. 

Your Remedy

Calendula Wound Healer Flower


After the consultation, I usually take time to reflect upon what you have shared, and sometimes to do research.

Your Homeopathic Remedy will be the best one to assist the healing potential of your individual being at the given moment. Improving health is demonstrated by a sense of renewal in of your energies and general well being. Sometimes more than one remedy is required to ensure the healing process continues, however I am a classically trained Shamanic Master Homeopath and will prescribe only one remedy at a time, except in very unusual cases.

In classical prescribing it is usual to give ONE dose of ONE remedy. If circumstances dictate, then the remedy may also be taken as a daily liquid dose - should the patient be on orthodox daily medication, or need gentle daily support for other reasons.

Whichever method I am using, I work with people as individuals, not as a collection of disease labels. Healing is about the response of the individual, and not the erasure of labelled disease which is expressing itself through that individual.

(The Remedy will be ordered on your behalf from Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy, and you will be responsible for payment of their Invoice directly to them.)


As a general guide, with a positive response to a remedy you will feel an increasing measure of energy and vitality returning, sleep will improve - you will just experience a sense of well-being in yourself. At the same time, initially you may experience what is known as a “homeopathic aggravation” in physical symptoms, according to your own particular susceptibility. For example, skin conditions may worsen temporarily, you may find yourself weepy and emotional, or you may speak your mind a bit more!  

You may find that old symptoms return, sometimes from many years ago. These are all ways the body has of clearing - from within to without, from above to below and from older symptoms through to more recent ones. You will respond in line with your own individual story and experience of life and, if left alone without seeking further suppressive medication, these symptoms will pass.

Sometimes a patient needs to return because a seemingly well-chosen remedy is only partially helpful. Some people reveal all that needs to be seen at a first consultation. Others take more time. For some it is as if it takes time for them to drop down to their deepest level of being. If there is no response to a remedy, it is simply that their unique experience and pattern has not yet been revealed or perceived.

In complex cases, where there is a long history of deep unhappiness or trauma and a life time of medication, it can take time and patience to unravel the knots.  Sometimes it may be appropriate to work with the deeper emotional clearing, releasing and healing power of Reiki.


“I went to see Elizabeth when I was traumatised after an event that happened within my family. Her empathy and compassion held me at that time when I was so shocked and unhappy. The homeopathic care that I received from her was so right and it helped me to heal the hurt I felt inside. I became strong, healthy and happy again. I am so grateful that I met her at that time when I was so desperate for help.”

Lizzie A - Oxford


Ongoing Treatment

It is usual to ask a patient to return after four to six weeks for a follow up consultation, so that I can understand how the Remedy is assisting your healingg. It is important to attend this consultation no matter how well you feel you are doing, so that I can make an objective appraisal and decide whether you need more of the same remedy, a different remedy or whether we should simply watch and wait.

On average, a patient attends 4-6 times for consultation, usually with 4-6 weeks between each appointment. This is every three weeks if you are taking a daily liquid remedy. As you become well the time between consultations will increase, to the point where you may just need to come along for the occasonal “maintenance” session, when life throws a curved ball, or particular stresses arise. This is intended as a guide only, as each person responds in their own individual way, depending on the length, complexity and depth of the difficulties which challenge them.


First Consultation (90 mins) ~ £100

Follow Up Consultation (60 mins) ~ £70