Honour New Pink/Growing Moon Ceremony

Hello Everyone

In response to popular request, I am delighted to be offering my New Moon Ceremonies once more, both online and at the Wildling Studio in person. However, as my practice is much fuller now with other Events, these will be offered only once every three months.

The next In Person Moon Ceremony will be on Thursday, 6th June 2024 at 7.00 pm, when we will be honouring the sweetness of life under The New Strawberry Moon. Bookings for In Person Ceremonies are all taken direct via the Wildling Studio. Below are details of the next online New Moon Ceremony.

(Moving From the Darkness Back Into the Light)
Monday, 8th April at 7.00 pm (Online)

The main themes are:

Nurturing Seeds, Hopes, Visions and Dreams into Reality. Initiation and Expansion. New Beginnings. Inflexibility vs Flow & Change. Materialism vs Spiritual Exploration.

Join me by stepping into Ceremony under the New Pink/Growing Moon to honour yourself with a time of tranquillity and release, creating spaciousness into which you may pause, reflect and then seed your dreams for the coming month and year.

Spring Equinox was yesterday and we have just entered into the first Cycle of true Spring with its fertile awakening. Sometimes also called The Egg Moon, this is the Grandmother Moon under which the solar energies are beginning to rise.

The Circle will celebrate this New Moon in the fresh, new budding energies of The Awakening Time of Falcon/Aries, with the Full Moon falling in the earthy, expansive energies of Beaver/Taurus in The Growing Time later in this lunar cycle.

As always, I will be interweaving ancient wisdoms, a Healing Journey Meditation, The Moon Breath Meditation, New Moon Crystal Healing and Ceremony to honour you and Grandmother Moon.


This New Moon Ceremony will be supported by Sacred Blackthorn. Blackthorn is associated with Straiph (ST/Z in the Ogham Tree Alphabet, and offers its gifts of protection, clarity, courage and self-confidence. It’s nature is connected to shielding fire energies which create safe boundaries and sacred space. It offers balance between darkness and the light, perfect for this time of year.

Blackthorn energy invites us to “embrace wild new edges…”

This lunar cycle is informed by The Fourth Clan Mother, Looks Far Woman, who guides us towards the manifestation of the Visions, Hopes and Dreams which will best take us towards our own happiness. Her aspect of Truth is “Seeing the Truth in all its colours.”

(Plus The Moon Breath Meditation)

We are now at the time of balance between the darkness and the light, when the solar energies are beginning to rise, and so I will be offering the Sunshine Smile Meditation this evening in counterbalance with The Moon Breath Meditation

The Sunshine Smile Guided Meditation has been created to lift your spirits, to encourage you, to help you to relax and to gently energise you – and to make you smile. The intention is to gift you optimism in your daily life and for the future. This sunshiny Meditation enables you to send loving, revitalising energy to every part of your Being. When you gift a smile to others, they often return the gift and smile back at you. A simple smile can make someone’s day. I hope The Sunshine Smile Guided Meditation will help to make yours… 


Each Recipient has their own dedicated Rose Quartz Heart (the Crystal of loving mother energy and gentle emotional release), through whom the New Moon Healing is delivered.

1. ZOOM OPTION (All cameras and microphones turned off ~ receiver mode only):

I appear on screen at the beginning to say hello and offer a little about working with Moon Energy and, specifically, with the energy of the The Grandmother Moon and Earth Wisdom energies of the month. I teach The Moon Breath Meditation, offer you space in which to release whatever is needful, to reflect on the month’s themes, and to offer gratitude for all you have received. In this quietness, a creative space opens into which you may continue to seed and then manifest your dreams...

I will then invite you to make yourself comfortable to enjoy the Sunshine Smile Guided Meditation whilst I deliver the releasing New Moon Crystal Reiki Healing to you individually.

In order to keep your experience as personal and private as possible, all cameras and microphones will be kept turned off, and the session will be viewing and listening only. 


If you prefer, you may book your place to receive New Moon Healing, and I will make the Sunshine Smile Meditation available for you to download from my website.  You may then plan your own private Ceremony and still be part of the beautiful energy being generated. I will include you in the New Moon Crystal Healing part of the evening, which will commence at approximately 8.00 pm.


If you are unable to attend at the time of the Ceremony, you can still choose to be included in the New Moon Healing, and I then send you a recorded version of the evening for you to experience at a time which works for you. Several of my “regulars” have chosen this option in the past, and discovered that they still feel the full benefits of the Ceremony.

Send me an email and let me know how you wish to participate. Confirmation of your place is made upon payment of the fee of £33 via BACS.

I will then send you:

1. Your Zoom Link (if required)

2. Your Discount Code to download The Sunshine Smile Meditation to listen to whenever you choose.

3. Suggestions on how to prepare yourself and your space to make the most of the New Pink/Growing Moon Ceremony.


Places available are limited strictly to 13, so please do book in good time to avoid disappointment.

The free gift of the Sunshine Smile Healing Journey Meditation is offered to all.

The fee for the New Moon Healing Circle remains at £33. Whichever way you opt to be part of the Healing Circle, the complete session will last for up to 90 minutes beginning at 7.00 pm.

I look forward to welcoming you in the budding new energies of the New Moon Healing Circle this month.

With love

Elizabeth 🌚🌱xx