Posts tagged covid-19 and health
Recover, Maintain and Improve Your Physical Wellbeing

This is the first in a series of articles on how to take best care of and honour each aspect of your being in turn, beginning with practical tips on how to maintain your physical wellbeing during the aftermath of the pandemic (and anytime). Subsequent articles will focus on emotional, energetic, mental and spiritual wellbeing in turn.


Getting Into the Body Helps to Keep Things Real

With all the stresses, changes and trauma surrounding us, especially as we have been living in a socially distancing and disconnecting way, it can be difficult to maintain a sense of reality. How your body feels is your base line - you only have one in this lifetime. Really taking care of your body physically, paying attention to its true needs, is a good way to re-establish some sense of stability. When you truly begin to take care of you, you express self-love. And your body and being will reward you by staying healthier and happier.

1. Move Your Body, Change How You Feel
Keeping still in one place, especially when we feel low, stuck or discouraged, means that we can end up feeling worse. The less we move, the less we want to move. However, as soon as we begin to move, we move our energy and our feelings begin to change for the better. By simply moving, you begin to release the stuckness. The more you move, the more you will feel like moving! There are many ways to begin to do this - experiment and find what suits you best. Remember, you know your body best, and being cautious, I would recommend that if it hurts, then adapt the move or don’t! I particularly like:

(a) Dancing - just put on some music to suit or lift your mood, and start to move. Whether you live alone or with family, just make it about being light-hearted. And if you don’t feel light-hearted, dance is a good way to move you through whatever you are feeling and begin to let it go… Dance is a fun way to exercise :-)
(b) T’ai Chi QiGung - gentle, flowing movements suitable for all ages which actively promotes wellbeing. I found Master Wing Cheung on UTube, and liked what he offered so downloaded his Beginner Online Tuition Series. It only takes about 20 minutes of my time, and can make an easy beginning or end to the day.
(c) Yoga - can be as gentle or vigorous as you choose! Try for loads of great teachers and teachings, most of it is free, or for a small subscription, and offers classes for absolute beginners to pros.
(d) Fitness - Building strength and stamina actively promotes your immune system against virus. Learn or restart a new fitness routine. This does not mean you have to start “pumping iron” - although, you can of course! There are plenty of easy routines on offer via UTube which you can practice at home. I have re-started a gentle exercise routine with small dumbbells to increase stamina and strength in my upper body and core. And I just feel good after a short 15 minute session! Build up slowly and gradually and be aware of your own physical limitations.
(e) Walking in Nature - Just open your front door and walk out into your garden or off into nature. Being out in the air and sunshine (and wind and rain) will help to invigorate you, change your perspective on the day, as well as providing physical exercise. Your body needs an exchange of air for oxygen to reach all parts of your body and brain, to keep everything functioning. Take notice of the natural world around you, and find joy in the small things, a wild flower, a butterfly, the changing seasons, the open beauty of the sky and flight of birds to lift your spirits. A Grounding & Rebalancing Guided Meditation Taking You Into Nature: The Willow of Grace
(f) Making Love - if you are lucky enough to be in a loving relationship, this is a beautiful restorative grounding way to inhabit and take care of your body. If not, find other ways to enjoy sensuality, with relaxing baths, cleansing showers, or a special cream that makes your skin feel just gorgeous!
(g) And more - Gardening, cooking, baking - and any other physical activity you enjoy… Make it about healthy bodily pleasure and joy!

2. Structure and Rhythm of Eating ~ We are What & When We Eat!
Food is the building block of our physical health. Eating nutritious meals, makes all the difference to the quality of our energy, but so does eating regularly. Did you know that all the organs of your body have their optimal operating time? For the stomach, this is between 7.00 and 9.00 in the morning, and for the spleen (which begins the process of breaking down and absorbing our food, turning it into chi, or energy) this is 9.00 to 11.00 in the morning. So aim to have breakfast at the latest by 9.00 am to start getting some sense of structure back into your day. Think rhythm rather than schedule! If 9.00 am feels too early, gradually make breakfast time earlier in the day, and then just be pleased with your own progress. This will immediately begin to change the quality of your energy. As your physical energy improves, so will your ability to deal with emotional and mental stresses.

3. Supplemental Immunity Boost
I am not a natural supplement taker, however I have been taking Vitamin D since the beginning of the pandemic in March. There is now plenty of research demonstrating the positive effect on the immune system of taking Vitamin D daily. It is known as the “Sunshine Vitamin”, as it is found naturally in sunshine, so exposing your long bones to sunlight is good for your health - provided you protect yourself from sunburn. Moving into autumn here in the UK, means shorter days and less sunlight, however you can buy “sunshine” in a bottle to help to keep your immune system in good working order. Prevention is better than cure? I also take L-Lycine which has a good reputation in supporting the immune system. (You might like to check out my Sunshine Smile Guided Meditation free for you with love 💛)

4. The Powerhouse of Sleep
Irregular sleeping patterns really affect how we feel. Sleep is our body’s natural restoration resource, and although there are no quick fixes, I’ve found the following has really made a difference including switching off technology well before bedtime. Regular meals bring structure into the day which encourages easier, sounder and better quality sleep. Just as the optimal time for breakfast is between 7.00 and 9.00 am, so it’s good to encourage relaxation from 7.00 pm onwards with quiet occupations and self-care activities, winding down slowly to about 10.00 or 11.00 pm. Your liver is your physical powerhouse of energy and it does its best rest and recovery in the deep sleep period between 1.00 and 3.00 am. If you’re a real late nighter, this will disrupt and affect your energies for the following day. Gently and gradually work towards shifting sleep patterns, based on creating regular meal times, relaxation and exercise patterns.

5. Humour is Seriously Helpful ~ Laughter Is The Best Medicine
Lighten your mood, shake off whatever is bothering you, have a good belly laugh - watch a silly movie, share a joke with a friend, find a reason to celebrate. Remember, despite what the media would have you believe, more than 90% of what is in the world is good, positive, beautiful and joyful. When we feel happier, our physical health naturally improves :-)

6. And, Finally, Practical Healing ~ Consider Golden Way Reiki Healing Treatments
Practical ways of taking care of yourself physically are essential, however sometimes they aren’t quite enough. What goes on around us, as well as how we feel inside and about ourselves, affects us physically, affecting sleep patterns and creating symptoms of discomfort and stress. If you feel you need something more, then take a look at alternative and complementary health support - I offer Golden Way Reiki, and would be delighted if you want to get in touch to find out more about what it has to offer you…

~ Reiki for Physical Wellbeing ~

"I had never experienced Reiki before my consultation with Elizabeth and was very unsure of what to expect regarding both the process and the outcome. In the event, I was utterly amazed by both.  My problem was associated with an extensive tissue injury a year previously, which had still not healed and was starting to have an impact on my lifestyle and recovery.  As Elizabeth commenced her treatment I could feel the effect of her hands on me progressing through my body and becoming more intense in the location of the injury. The following day, I was astonished to find that the symptoms I had been experiencing had completely disappeared!  For several weeks I waited tentatively for my problems to recur, but the healing has continued.  I am astonished by what Elizabeth has achieved and cannot recommend her work highly enough. I have complete confidence in Elizabeth and would not hesitate to consult her again, whatever the issue."   
(Diane T - Yorkshire)

In my experience, it’s best to put things into place gently and gradually, rather that setting yourself an over-optimistic schedule and then beat yourself up for “failing”. I began with just one activity two years ago, and now add others in depending on how I feel. Please note I am not a nutritionist or a personal trainer. The suggestions and tips below are ones which I have found personally helpful through trial and error, especially in the past few months. I hope you will find them helpful too :-) or inspire you to find your own - please do let me know!

Written and shared by Elizabeth Chanter of Honour Being, Golden Way Advanced Reiki Master (Alternative Health Practitioner)